
It is my intention to maintain a website that conforms to the current best practices for accessibility. However, I am quite sure that I will occasionally fall short. When this happens, you should feel free to reach out and let me know about the error, and I’ll push a fix as soon as possible.

Below are the standards to which I am going to adhere; if something important is missing from this list, please let me know.

  1. All text should meet, at minimum, WCAG 2.0 AA standards.
    1. Paragraph text maintains a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 with the background color.
    2. Link text maintains a 3:1 contrast ratio from surrounding paragraph text.
    3. Links acquire a visual, non-color decoration on focus and hover.
  2. All non-text interact-able elements (standalone icons, form elements) meet AA contrast standards and contain descriptive text for screen readers when appropriate.
  3. All images have defined alt text.